I reiterate here my dad is NOT a Y-DNA direct descendant of the Basse family line unless that Bass line was haplogroup E1b1a* which is unlikely and contradicts the historical account. Of course the Bass DNA surname project on Family Tree DNA.com traces to an African male A1a* who the Administrator now admits must himself have been a Non-Paternal Event. Read my post Pop's Paternity to find out more.
23 and me.com 3 of the 8 Bass listed above are children of Roosevelt Bass jr. |
Amongst my dad's matches on AncestryDNA he has only 8
DNA matches who trace to this surname Bass all 5th to distant cousins, two trace to Elizabeth Betsy Bass 1758-1816 wife of James Williams Greene 1706-1805 . Elizabeth Bass was born in Brunswick County, Virginia and died in Hancock, Georgia. Elizabeth according to this book called, The Georgians by Jeanette Holland Austin was the daughter of Thomas Bass 4 Feb 1723 and Mary Clarke. Thomas Bass was the son of William Bass 1690-1746 Dale Parish and Cecilia Branch daughter of Christopher Branch and Ann Sherman granddaughter of Christopher Branch 1602-1681 the immigrant. William Bass 1690 was the son of William Bass 1648-1695 who married Hester Bass who later married Henry Farmer.
On AncestryDNA my dad and I have several Farmer surname matches more so than Bass surname matches who trace to Hester Bass. But who was HESTER BASS? Did she marry a cousin? There is a William Bass who married Sarah Batton who had a daughter Hester Bass is this the same Hester Bass who married William first and later Henry Farmer? Confusing! Anyway, enough about the Bass family of ancestors distant, I'm certain that most Americans are related autosomally, in some way to that family descending from Nathaniel Basse who arrived in America in 1641.
So, which surname does Family Tree DNA assign as a Y-DNA match to my dad? At 12 markers FTDNA assigns him at a genetic distance of 1 to the surname Norris, at 25 markers FTDNA assigns my dad as a genetic distance of 2 to the following surnames Purcell, Hector, Harden, Walker, Amerson, and Howell, at 37 markers FTDNA assigns him a genetic distance of 3 to one Walker male and a genetic distance of 4 to the surnames Purcell, Hector and Amerson and at 67 markers, FTDNA assigns him a genetic distance of 7 to two Walker males and one Amerson male. What does this mean?
First, let me say that the descendants of Amos Young Amerson admit that Amos was probably himself a non-paternal event who should have been a Walker male instead. Now, FAQ of Family Tree DNA explains genetic distance this way, if two males share a common surname AND are a genetic distance of 0 (zero) then they are very tightly related, if they are a genetic distance of 1 or 2, they are tightly related of 3 or 4 they are related, 4 or 5 they are not recently related but still related, 5 or 6 also related, a genetic distance of 7 is probably related. My dad matches the two Walker males and the one NPE Amerson male at a genetic distance of 7 which means they are probably related. Should my paternal line have been Walker's instead of Bass? I don't know, but I do know so " far we have more Walker surname matches than we do Bass.
Following is what the Amerson's have to say about their family lineage:
First I want to make it CLEAR that the Amerson's that live in Tishomingo
County and all the Amerson's that are older than my Amos Amerson are true
Eudoxia was married to Amos Young Amerson. We laughingly say now that we
are 1st generation Amerson's. When we did the DNA last year on Two of
Amos's grandsons the dna came out very different than the Amerson line
including the DNA of 4 of Amos's great Nephews. We were all surprised.
The two grandsons that we use for Amos's DNA were from two sons of Eudoxia
and Amos, so it had to mean that either Amos's mother had not been the
mother of Benjamin Jasper Amerson's older sons and had been married before
she married Benjamin Jasper Amerson. It had been considered before that
there was a possibility that Elizabeth McDonald was Benjamin's second wife.
There is also a possibility that Amos had been adopted. Unfortunately the
brother just older than Amos died in 1862 in the Civil War and there were
two daughters possibly three daughters after Amos that we can not get the
DNA on. There is one older brother who is questionable. He had some
children but we haven't been able to find any of them. They disappeared
after the Civil War. The Last I have (or any one else had) They were living
Morgan Co., Alabama in 1866 when the State Census was taken. The children
were young and so was his the brother's wife so she may have remarried.
We were never sure that he was really Benjamin Jasper's son or a nephew.
Last September a Walker e mailed me and said that the Amerson DNA No --- was
the same as her Walker in the DNA Walker trials. We have been trying to
sort it out ever since last September. I am working with two of the Walker
people now. Waiting for further word. They just had their big reunion.
Two of my G Grandmother Elizabeth McDonald sisters married Walker boys in
Blount Co., Ala. There were also two other Walkers in the area about the
time Amos was born.
A possibility - Amos was born in 1840 right at the time of the Indian
Removal. He talked a lot about how terrible it was and to never let anyone
know that they were part Indian. Now Elizabeth's grandmother was Indian.
The Walker's also say they have some Indian blood. Maybe as one of the
stories in the Tishomingo book tells of a Indian (or part Indian) baby was
left by the Mill of a family and they took her in as their own. There are
a lot of questions. Amos had said he was 1/4 Indian. But I am sure that my
friends in Blount County will come up with some answers or more questions."
I wouldn't doubt it....I have so many Walker's and men using the Walker name back and forth with the Miles all in Alabama.....It's confusing. Funny they think Grandma Elizabeth Jordan Daniel was a Indian but she looked like she was African to me. She was born about 1840 in Alabama as well. I just wonder right along with you.