
We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies. ~Shirley Abbott

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pop's Paternity

Roosevelt Bass Ancestry Compostion; Map view

 I have my pop tested on each of the three companies as well. 
23 and still has him with more than 0.6% unassigned even in speculative view. I reserve that is more of his Native American segments that 23 and me initially assigned us, but later retracted.  According to 23 and me my dad has a high 90.4% Sub-Saharan African, 7.8% European, 4.7% of which is British and Irish, and the rest non-specific European, 1.1% Native American/East Asian, 0.8% South East Asian, 0.2% Native American, and 0.1% Middle Eastern, 0.1% North African.
Roosevelt Bass Jr Ethnicity Estimate

 On AncestryDNA he shows as 91% West African, 2% Asian 1% from Central Asia and 1% from South Asia, 6% European with 4% from Ireland, 1% from West Europe, 1% from Scandinavia and 1% from the Caucasus. Pop's confirmed Y-DNA haplogroup on Family Tree DNA is E-U174 formerly, E1b1a7a. 
Rossevelt Bass Jr haplogroup Family Tree DNA

Roosevelt Bass Jr haplogroup 23 and me
He is not a direct paternal line descendant Y-STR match to the Basse family lineage who traces to John Basse whose progeny arrived in America in the1640's who according to Family Tree DNA, was haplogroup A1a* a haplogroup whose African origin is common amongst the Khoisan people in Central and Northwest Africa.  Haplogroups are families of chromosomes either Y (male) or mitochondrial (female) which trace back in a direct paternal lineage from, father's father's, father or a maternal lineage which traces from mother's mother's mother, to a single mutation at a distant place and time. It is my feeling, that Pop's Bass family chose the surname Bass prior to the 1870 census of Union Parish, Louisiana.  Through 23 and me, we have discovered a confirmed DNA match 4th cousin who traces to Jacob Bass an African American male born about 1810 in North Carolina. Jacob was the former slave of John Bass born 1775, in Wayne County, North Carolina. John Bass died intestate in Perry County, Alabama in 1822, Jacob was listed along with his father Peter and brother Peter in this 1822 inventory.

 This particular, John Bass was born 1775, and was married to Julianne Holliman. He was the son of Edward Bass born 1762 in Dobbs County, North Carolina who died in Wayne County, North Carolina, in 1802. His mother was Sarah (nee Farmer) born 1766 in Wayne North Carolina and she died in 1826 in the same place.

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