
We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies. ~Shirley Abbott

Monday, November 25, 2013

On the Wall Part 2


Sandra and I are predicted fifth cousins which means we share great great great great grandparents. We don't share any surnames in common and neither of us know our ancestry beyond our great great great grandparents. We never discovered our common ancestor. She shares 8 cM with my dad and 7 cM with me. Centimorgans are units of genetic measurement in DNA which account for how often recombination occurs over a  certain region on a chromosome.  The small amount we share means we have at least one common ancestor who was born   sometime between 1775-1795. Sandra also shares 10 cM over 1 segment with my paternal second cousins Garland Boyette Sr. and Jr. on chromosome 2 but Garland Sr. doesn't share with me on that same chromosome which means Sandra, and Garland share a common ancestor of a different lineage than do Sandra and me. Neither does Sandra match my dad's maternal cousin Aubrey Goodwin which spoils my speculation about a Tidwell/ Taliaferro common ancestry. Aubrey and I discovered through DNA that we share great-great and great-great-great grandparents, Andrew and Evaline Tidwell and are second cousins once removed. Neither does Sandra share ancestry with Taneya Koonce who is also a paternal match to me. The only two cousin matches she and I share in common are W. House on chromosome 15 and Garland Boyette Sr. and Jr. on chromosome 2 but neither of them match either of us on the exact same chromosome at the exact same place.

Sandra didn't think she was related by D.N.A to the Taliaferro's from Georgia, and I know my paternal ancestry are not direct Y-DNA descendants of the Bass paternal line. We both found evidence that our ancestors both Taliaferro and Bass were in bondage to families having these surnames. Richard Taliaferro born 1792 in South Carolina and Susan Mobley born 1792 in South Carolina, who lived in Fulton, Georgia in 1850 were the slaveowners of Sandra's great and great-great grandfather. John Bass and Julianne Holliman and related family S. David Mims and Mary W. Ross were the slaveowners of my paternal ancestors.  In finding African Ancestry finding the people who held them captive is important. In the inventory and appraisement of Richard Taliaferro dated 1 January 1856 are a father and son Miles and John who by the 1870 census adopt the Taliaferro surname.
And my ancestors Jacob and Peter found in the inventory and appraisement of John Bass who died intestate in 1822 Alabama would later in 1870 adopt the surname Bass. As Sandra and I discovered sometime the acquisition of chattel property was through the wives as gifts or inheritance from their deceased parents.

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